Diseñso Web en Cuba

Diseño web para Cuba por Grupo Kreotuweb

For more than 8 years our Kreotuweb team has been offering web design services for Cuba, initially using various technologies such as HTML, CSS or Bootstrap and currently applying web design to the WordPress content management system with different types of tools.

Constructores Web para el Diseño

Constructores Web para el Diseño

We create web designs from scratch or from professional WordPressthemes, the most used builders to meet the needs of our clients are:

All of these tools allow us to create incredible designs that are adaptable to the different existing devices, allowing us as a web designer to organically organize the content, menus, images, sections and other elements on the website.

Imágenes en la Web

Imágenes en la Web

For the construction and creation of websites designed for clients in Cuba, we use images provided by the clients themselves or we create the images during a photo shoot. The images are then edited, improved and optimized for the web, thus guaranteeing an adequate weight which helps the website load quickly.

Images are created with the objective of promoting the service, product or brand that the website represents. For these reasons, they must have adequate contrast, good resolution and be an integrating element.

Logotipo para una Web

Logotipo para una Web

We design the logo of any service, product, brand or blog. We use current trends in graphic design, colors, fonts, shapes and other elements.